Spanish Tutoring & ESL Classes
Paulina Jaramillo is bicultural/bilingual (Spanish/English). She’s an experienced educator and has a Master of Arts degree in Counseling (CSUSB). She has twenty years of experience working with school-age children in public schools and private settings. She’s able to identify students’ individual learning needs and can provide families with feedback on their child's progress and recommend additional study aids.
In 1998, she passed the California Basic Educational Skill Test. Paulina has over a decade of experience teaching ESL to adults and has worked at El Sol Neighborhood Educational Center and at Camp Fire, USA and is a guest speaker at many venues including the Latino Book and Family Festival. For several years, Paulina partnered with the STAGE Foundation to provide free ESL classes to the community. Paulina is fluent in both Spanish and English and in 2010 passed the SABE Language test administered by the California Department of Education.

Paulina's vitual classes are available throughout the United States. In-person classes are typically held in the San Bernardino or Riverside counties (Southern California). Use the contact form below for more information or to schedule a tutoring session or find out about upcoming ESL classes.
Paulina Jaramillo can help your child (3rd-12th grades) learn to read, write and speak Spanish with greater fluency through private or small group (siblings) tutoring sessions. During the sessions, Paulina will review prior, current and future lesson assignments (student provides curriculum) as well as explain and answer questions the student may have. Sessions are 45 min -1 hour in length and will also include conversation practice based on current lesson and skill level. Additional learning aids may be incorporated as needed to help encourage and motivate students.
Spanish Tutoring

Use the contact form below for more info.
ESL Classes
Could you or someone you know benefit from improving English language skills? Have you or someone you know been passed up for a promotion or not hired because your English skills were lacking? The ESL classes focus on basic reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. An emphasis is placed on learning proper grammar and vocabulary for life-skill roles in the community, family, school and at work.
This class is student-centered, interactive and includes reading and writing activities, worksheets, tests and other resources to assure learner success.